Introdução ao curso online de visualização de dados

xxxxNote: The tutorial is the same available in Skillshare, so you can watch it there if you have an account.

Tipos de gráficos

xxxxNote: The tutorial is the same available in Skillshare, so you can watch it there if you have an account.

Design de dashboards

xxxxNote: The tutorial is the same available in Skillshare, so you can watch it there if you have an account.

O desenho de relatórios

xxxxNote: The tutorial is the same available in Skillshare, so you can watch it there if you have an account.

Design de gráficos

xxxxNote: The tutorial is the same available in Skillshare, so you can watch it there if you have an account.

Anotações de gráficos

xxxxNote: The tutorial is the same available in Skillshare, so you can watch it there if you have an account.